Your support is how we keep presenting programs, walks and talks. As an all volunteer organization we donate our time to bring you these exciting and informative experiences.

Support comes in many forms; financial, moral and physical assistance. If you can make a donation we'd appreciate it. Financial support allows us the most amount of flexibility.  Can you attend a program? That is much appreciated moral support. There's a great deal of joy to be had in seeing you at our offerings. Can you do something special or even just move chairs around? We often need to move chairs, set up a table with literature or direct our neighbors to where we're meeting.

You can make a donation with our PayPal button (use code R24 on the drop down list) or send a check. Want to do more? Please feel free to drop us a line and find out how you can participate! Our postal address is: CWAS, P.O. Box 359, White Plains, NY 10602.